PADIC Project Pre-Trials Successfully Conducted in Estonia in April and June 2024, Including Photos and Video

In April and June 2024, Estonian partners CAFA Tech and Rantelon hosted the Pre-Trials of the PADIC project, an initiative aimed at enhancing coastal surveillance capabilities through advanced passive radar technologies. These trials were crucial for testing and integrating of different passive radar sensors and capabilities, in real-world scenarios, ensuring the project’s readiness for its final demonstration. 2024 Conference Highlights – PADIC Project Poster Presentation a Success Conference 2024 Conference Highlights – PADIC Project Poster Presentation a Success TALLINN, ESTONIA – The prestigious 2024 conference, which took place on January 24-25, emerged as a pivotal gathering for international security experts, defence force representatives, and technology researchers. It brought to the forefront the escalating challenges that small states face in the field… Continue reading 2024 Conference Highlights – PADIC Project Poster Presentation a Success

PADIC System Simulator Tool

The PADIC project partners conducted the PADIC System Simulator Tool Tests on September 11-13, 2023. PADIC partners performed tests from local offices in Estonia, Finland and Sweden, online, remotely, and internationally!

PADIC Feasibility Tests Conducted in Estonia

PADIC Feasibility Tests conducted in Estonia on May 09-11, 2023 The PADIC Consortium carried out Feasibility Tests in Estonia to explore possible locations for the 2024 Final Demo and to test the functionality of the PADIC System modules. On the first day, the testing of communication modules was conducted, and it was delightful to see… Continue reading PADIC Feasibility Tests Conducted in Estonia