The PADIC Consortium General Assembly Meeting #2 took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on June 8-9, 2022. The PADIC project physical meeting in Tallinn was full of intensive work.
PADIC General Assembly Meeting #2
The PADIC Consortium General Assembly Meeting #2 took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on June 8-9, 2022. The PADIC project physical meeting in Tallinn was full of intensive work.
The PADIC Consortium General Assembly Meeting #1 took place in Tampere, Finland, on March 9-10. The meeting was physically attended by all partners on site: Saab, Patria, Rantelon, CAFA Tech. The meeting was hosted by Patria.
The European Passive Radar Project PADIC has started. The European Defence Industrial Development Program project “Passive Acquisition by Digital Convergence” (PADIC) will develop a coastal radar network system with an open architecture; connecting passive, digital sensors of different types.