PADIC General Assembly Meeting #4 in Finland, Tampere on March 08-09, 2023

The PADIC Consortium General Assembly Meeting #4 was held in Tampere, Finland. It was a hands-on meeting where the main objective was to test the interconnection and integration of communication modules in preparation for the 2024 PADIC System tests and demonstrations.  

Successful connections were established between the communication modems of Saab, Patria, Rantelon and CAFA systems. In anticipation of the feasibility tests in Estonia in May 2023, detailed test plans and schedules were initiated. The PADIC project activities and interim results were also presented to the European Commission PO and the MoDs of Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. The feedback received will help in better planning for the activities in 2023.  


The two intensive working days in Tampere laid a solid foundation for the PADIC tests in 2023.

Project Coordinator Thomas Lindgren, Saab 

Thank you very much Patria team for excellent hosting of the PADIC General Assembly meeting in Tampere. 

The SAAB team was very grateful to once again to be back in at the Patria premises and to meet all PADIC partners face to face, which is always very important. The two days contained very fruitful discussions and hands-on practical work with the SAAB proposed communication network solution for upcoming field trails. It was much satisfying to see how project is progressing and the system components of the PADIC system are coming together in a true system perspective. 


Jari Kärkelä, from Patria, was pleased to host the PADIC spring meeting in Tampere. The project is reaching an interesting phase, when partners’ HW and SW are integrated together as a complete system and the first field trials are planned. The PADIC consortium showed again it’s potential for excellent and close co-operation by the successful results achieved during the integration workshops. This creates good basis for the becoming PADIC testing and demonstration phase.  

PADIC project

Roland Savipõld, from Rantelon, thanks Jari and the Patria team for providing a solid platform for the PADIC spring GA meeting in Tampere. “The seamless integration of partners’ hardware and software, during the integration workshop, showcased well the potential for extraordinary teamwork, and I feel confident moving on to full system testing in an operational environment”. 

Tanel Järvet, from CAFA Tech, pointed out that it was a great combination and balance of discussing the technical developments of the project as well as the technical integrations. This kind of hands-on approach is the strength of the PADIC team!

The European Defence Industrial Development Program project “Passive Acquisition by Digital Convergence” (PADIC) will develop a coastal radar network system with an open architecture, connecting passive, digital sensors of different types. Passive radars use reflections from signals from TV and radio stations, mobile network base stations and added transmitters to detect objects on land, at sea and in the air. PADIC will study, design, prototype and test a coastal radar network system in response to emerging threats by further developing state-of-the-art sensors that are spectrally non-congesting during peacetime and sustainable and immune against attack attempts during conflicts. The project will make use of low-cost and commercially available technologies and components.